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Bible Verse Card Ministries


So you found a mini Bible Verse card...


What is it?

The Bible Verse Card is a little card with a little mission: To be read by you! The person who hid that little card in your hand has already prayed for you, and so have many other people who helped create it. God cares about you, and He wants you to have the desire to get to know Him better, because He loves you more than you can imagine! He purposefully placed this little Bible Verse Card in your path, so that YOU would find it!


God loves YOU so much He sent His only Son to make an incredible sacrifice for YOU, that YOU might have eternal life!

When His Son, Jesus, was here, He went through everything that you have gone through, He understands how you might feel! The good news is that He overcame it ALL! And if you let Him into your heart, He can help you overcome ALL of the things you might be going through! Just let Him into your heart. 

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for loving me. Thank you for coming to die for me. Please help me to accept your gift of sacrifice, and let you into my heart. Please forgive me for the sins I have committed, and please help me through the trials that I am going through now. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer, Amen.

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Pictures of some Mini Bible Verse Cards that have been created

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